Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Importance of Events

I appeared at the Lincoln Literacy Open Books, Open Doors events a couple weeks ago for their fundraiser.  I was privileged to be asked to attend, and I'm very honored that they would consider my work worthy to both have me as a guest and center their theme around.  Here is a photo of the event.  A lot of people are in 1930s garb as part of the theme, which was modeled after my book The Great Heist.

They allowed me to sell my books there, and I did, though the number of books I sold was rather small and I'll be sharing some of the profits with the foundation.  But the event is still highly profitable.

First, there is simply the fact that it's better for society that foundations such as Lincoln Literacy exists.  It helps people who are struggling with reading and trying to learn the English language to read.  (Lincoln is a major hub for refugees to go when they leave other countries.)

But in addition to being good for the community, it's also good for us writers.  First, it gives the writer credibility.  When you speak at a book selling event, you're simply selling your wares.  But when you speak at en event simply as an expert, you gain credibility.

Also, your name and your work gets out there.  These events often advertise in many locations.  Even if people don't flock to the event and purchase your book there, they will often look at who you are and will consider purchasing your work outside of it, or will at least begin following you, which turns them into future readers.

Most importantly, each person who sees you or that meets you will be able to recommend you to others.  They are all seeds that can grow into bigger and bigger plants.

The basic point here is a point you'll see me make a lot of times.  Don't think just of the immediate return.  In today's publishing world, especially in independent publishing, it's all about building a platform and getting people to know who you are.  Each time you appear at any event and get any recognition as a writer, more people know who you are and what you do, and this builds over time.  Make sure your name gets out there, and appear at every event you can in any capacity you can, because even if you just get one follower, that one person knows other people, who know other people, and as long as you keep to it, those networks will grow.

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