Relic Worlds is supposed to have the feel of serialized stories. Its original influences, Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark, were themselves inspired by serialized stories. That format has come alive again on TV in the form of Netflix and Amazon series where episodes tend to end on a cliffhanger, or leaving the viewer begging to know what happens next. This is the source of "binge watching".
I've therefore been wanting to do that with Relic Worlds for a while, but I finally got pushed into it when book 3 wasn't getting done in time, so I decided to release "part 1" in March, then parts 2 and 3 will come in 6 month increments.
From that, I got inspired to do the same thing with books 1 and 2. Book 2 had had this problem on Amazon where the wrong file had been attached, so I needed to get the correct story out to people anyway, so it's perfect timing for me to do a type of re-release. This gives it a chance to be presented in a format that's very appropriate for the type of story it is.
Also, being that there are six weeks until book 3, part 1 releases, it's also perfect timing for me to release one part of each of the first two books each week, because they're each in 3 parts. This leaves a proverbial trail of breadcrumbs right up to the next book.
Each part is available for 99 cents, and the full books are available for 2.99 on Kindle. The paperbacks are the same. Book 3 will only release in paperback once the entire story is done. I'm hoping to do it this way from now on. We'll see how it works out.
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